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Reference Publication:   Chandra, Subrato, Neil Moyer, Danny Parker, David Beal, David Chasar, Eric Martin, Janet McIlvaine, Ross McCluney, Andrew Gordon, Mike Lubliner, Mike McSorley, Ken Fonorow, Mike Mullens, Mark McGinley, Stephanie Hutchinson, David Hoak, and Linda Tozer. Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership, Annual Report - Fourth Budget Period. 04/01/03-03/31/04.
Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership, Annual Report - Fourth Budget Period
  • Heat Pipe Technology

Researcher met with National Sales Manager Chuck Yount and the residential engineering staff to discuss the requirements and anticipated performance of their stand-alone dehumidification system, the BKP series.  This system has the ability to provide outside air and maintain positive pressurization, and it can be used in conjunction with a condensing section to reject heat generated through dehumidification.  Over the year, Florida HERO suggested the use of this technology to several contractors who build large homes. 

  • HKW Enterprises

Florida HERO met with HKW Enterprises to discuss preliminary specifications for their new development, Eden Park. This 104-unit project will be similar to the affordable apartment complex, Brookside, and will include many of the same features.

  • Homes of Merit

In 2002, Florida HERO performed multiple diagnostic tests and conducted a site survey on a mobile home with mold problems in Marathon, Florida.  Researcher determined that the mechanical system was significantly oversized, and the home was operating under negative pressure while the system was operating.  The owner left the central system fan in the "on" position, further exacerbating the indoor humidity problem.  Measured indoor relative humidity levels was about 70%, consistent with outdoor humidity levels.  Since this case has gone into litigation, researchers have not had the opportunity to determine the final outcome.

In 2001, Florida HERO met with plant personnel and LaSalle Air Systems at Lakeland Homes of Merit factory to discuss Energy Star compliance for model homes and HUD code factories.  The researcher also performed ductblaster tests on several models at the Bartow manufacturing plant.

  • International Carbon Bank and Exchange

Researcher met with ICBE president Mark van Soestbergen to discuss the issues involved with providing developers with carbon credit proceeds generated by their energy efficient home construction.  Florida HERO completed one transaction to sell the carbon credits derived from a 100% off grid home. This idea may provide additional financial incentive for builders considering the construction of energy efficient homes.

  • Outside Air Study

Research continues on the outside air study looking at the effectiveness of providing outside air to the return side of a heating and cooling system. Results have shown that putting a home under positive pressure minimizes home humidity and provides better air quality.  This study has tested small, medium, and large homes, both production and custom homes, and homes with zoned and unzoned systems. Using the  Energy Conservancy's exhaust fan flow meter, collected data parameters include air handler CFM, diameter and length of outside air intake duct, house pressurization with reference to outside, and CFM flow from the outside air intake.

  • Podia Construx/Rainbow Springs Construction

Florida HERO met with our newest Building America team partner, David Sullivan, his sales staff, project management, and principal sub-contractors to introduce them to the Building America program.  Principle discussion topics included closed loop geothermal heat pump systems, the use of Icynene insulation in an unvented attic system, and replacement of felt paper with Tri-Flex material for moisture transmission reduction. The Tri-flex material was used on one Podux home, but after complaints from the roofers regarding a lack of footing on the slick material, the Tri-Flex was removed and replaced with standard felt paper.

Condensation Complaint:  In response to a homeowner's concern about excessive condensation on interior windows, Florida HERO performed a site survey and ambient, interior, surface, and subsurface moisture readings to determine the cause.  This home has Icynene sprayed on the underside of the roof sheathing and an outside air duct.  The outside air duct damper had been shifted to the closed position.  The damper was reopened and the moisture related complaints were eliminated.

  • Spain Construction

Florida HERO worked with Spain Construction this reporting period to address a homeowner comfort complaint and to assist the builder's mechanical contractor in designing a distribution system in a new Willowcraft community custom home.  Diagnostic tests and Manual J calculations performed for the homeowner complaint, determined that the mechanical system was oversized by one ton.  In addition to the air handler filter, the researcher also located a second filter at the return grill.  The homeowner was unaware of this filter, so its replacement significantly improved the system airflow.  Florida HERO recommended the introduction of outside air to the return side of the system to facilitate positive pressurization and to slightly increase the load and diminish some of the effects of oversizing.

Disclaimer: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government. Neither the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or any agency thereof.

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