Michael Lubliner
Housing Specialist
Washington State University
360-956-2082 / Fax. 360-236-2082
email: LublinerM@energy.wsu.edu
Michael Lubliner is an Energy Specialist with 19 years of experience with energy issues. He provides training and technical assistance to consumers, builders, utilities, code officials, architects, engineers, and building science organizations. Mr. Lubliner has been nationally recognized for technical expertise in residential energy conservation and new technologies.
Mr. Lubliner was the lead on Washington's Super Good Cents/Natural Choice program for 12 years. He now provides Washington State technical support for the Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership (BAIHP). He is also a member of the Washington State Manufactured Housing Technical Working Group, coordinating state agency and manufactured housing industry efforts on consumer safety, quality assurance and energy issues.
Mr. Lubliner represents WSU, Super Good Cents, and BAIHP on several national rule and standard making committees. He is a voting member on the NFPA 501-2000 Standard committee, and helped to improve this standard in the areas of energy efficiency, HVAC systems, and general building sciences (this standard is soon to be adopted by HUD).