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Stephen Barkaszi

Senior Research Engineer
Photovoltaics Division
Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC)
1679 Clearlake Road, Cocoa, FL 32922

Ph. 321-638-1473 / Fax. 321-638-1010

Stephen Barkaszi is a Senior Research Engineer in the Photovoltaics and Advanced Technologies Division at FSEC. Mr. Barkaszi joined FSEC in 1993 and initially worked in the Building Design Assistance Center evaluating building systems and equipment for energy and costs-savings potential for utilities and consumers. He joined the Photovoltaics and Advanced Technologies Division in 1997 and his current research includes: distributed generation, utility-interconnection issues, micro turbines, fuel cells, building-integrated PV, and roof-mounted PV arrays. Mr. Barkaszi continues to conduct research on high performance buildings. This work includes a holistic approach to design and construction of buildings that effectively incorporate energy savings features and on-site energy production technologies. Teaching activities include various seminars and short courses such as the quarterly FSEC course Installing Photovoltaic Systems. Mr. Barkaszi received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Ocean Engineering from the Florida Institute of Technology. He is a licensed Civil Engineer in the state of Florida and previously managed the construction materials testing division for a private civil engineering firm.