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IV. BAIHP Publications Peer Reviewed Papers – Arif, M., Mullens, M., Espinal, D., & Broadway, R. (2002). “Estimating, Planning and Controlling Labor in the Industrialized Housing Factory.” Industrial Engineering Research ‘02 Conference Proceedings, Orlando, FL. Armacost, R., J. Pet-Armacost,, M. Mullens, and A. Salem (2001). "Information Support for Efficient Assembly of Roof Trusses," in Khattab, M. (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems in Engineering and Construction (ISEC 2001), Cocoa Beach, FL, 2001, CD-ROM. Armacost, R., J. Pet-Armacost, M. Mullens, and A. Salem (2001). "Scheduling for Roof Truss Manufacturing," in Harris, R. (ed.), Proceedings of the ICC&IE and IEMS 2001 Joint Meeting, Cocoa Beach, FL 2001, pp. 644-649. Baechler, M.; Lubliner, M; Gordon, A (2002). “Pushing the Envelope: A Case Study of Building the First Manufactured Home Using Structural Insulated Panels” 2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings Conference, Pacific Grove, CA. Beal, D. and Chasar, D. (2006). "Measured Crawlspace Conditions in a HUD-code Home", Fifteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, July 24-26, 2006 Orlando, FL Broadway, R. and M. Mullens (2004). “Shop Floor Information Systems for Industrialized Housing Production,” Industrial Engineering Research ‘04 Conference Proceedings, Houston, May, 2004. Brown, Richard, William Rittelmann, Danny Parker, and Gregory Homan (2006). Appliances, Lighting, Electronics, and Miscellaneous Equipment Electricity Use in New Homes Proceedings of the 2006 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Asilomar, CA., August 2006 Chandra, Subrato, Danny Parker, David Beal, David Chasar, Eric Martin, Janet McIlvaine, Neil Moyer (2004). Alleviating Moisture Problems in Hot, Humid Climate Housing. Position Paper for NSF Housing Research Agenda Workshop, UCF Feb. 12-14, 2004. Chandra, Subrato, Fonorow, Ken, McCloud, Matthew, Moyer, Neil, Beal, David, Chasar, David, McIlvaine, Janet, Parker, Danny, Sherwin, John, Martin, Eric, Mullens, Michael, Lubliner, Michael, McSorley, Michael (2002). "The Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership" Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot, Humid Climates - Houston, Texas, May 20-22, 2002. Chandra, S., & Beal, D. (2001). “Preventing House Dust Mite Allergens in New Housing.’ In ASHRAE IAQ Conference Proceedings, San Francisco, CA. Chandra, S., Moyer, N., Beal, D., Chasar, D., McIlvaine, J., & Withers, C. (2001). “The Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership (BAIHP): Enhancing Energy Efficiency, Durability and Indoor Air Quality of Industrialized Housing.” In XXIX IAHS World Congress on Housing Conference Proceedings, Ljubljana. Chasar, D., Chandra, S., Parker, D., Sherwin, J., Beal, D., Hoak, D., Moyer, N., McIlvaine, J. (2006). "Cooling Performance Assessment of Building America Homes", Fifteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, July 24-26, 2006 Orlando, FL. Chasar, D., Moyer, N., McIlvaine, J., Beal, D. and Chandra, S. (2004). "Energy Star Manufactured Homes: The Plant Certification Process," Proceedings of ACEEE 2004 Summer Study, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Washington, DC, August 2004. Chasar, D., Moyer, N., Chandra, S., Rotvold, L., Applegren, R. (2004). "Cold Climate Case Study; High Efficiency North Dakota Twin Homes," Performances of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings IX International Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, December 2004. Chasar, D., Moyer, N., Rudd, A. F., Parker, D., & Chandra, S. (2002). “Measured Cooling Performance of Two-story Homes in Dallas, Texas: Insulated Concrete Form Versus Frame Construction.” Thirteenth Symposium of Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Houston, TX. Chasar, D., Moyer, D., Rudd, A. F., Parker, D. K., & Chandra, S. (2002). “Measured and Simulated Cooling Performance Comparison; Insulated Concrete Form Versus Frame Construction.” 2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA. Christian, J.E., D. Beal, and P. Kerrigan (2004). “Towards Simple Affordable Zero Energy Houses.” Proceedings of Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings IX, Clearwater, Florida, December 5 –10, 2004 Cummings, J., C. Withers, J. McIlvaine, J. Sonne, M. Lombardi (2003). Air Handler Leakage: Field Testing Results in Residences. ASHRAE Transactions V.109 pt.1 February 2003. To be published in ASHRAE Journal. Elshennawy, A., M. Mullens, and I. Nahmens (2004). “Quality-Based Compensation Schemes for Modular Homebuilding,” Industrial Engineering Research ‘04 Conference Proceedings, Houston, May, 2004. Elshennawy, A., Mullens, M., & Nahmens, I. (2002). “Quality Improvement in the Modular Housing Industry.” In Industrial Engineering Research ‘02 Conference Proceedings, Orlando, FL. Fonorow, K., Chandra, S., Martin, E., McIlvaine, J. (2006). "Energy and Resources Efficient Communities through Systems Engineering: Building America Case Studies in Gainesville, FL.", Proceedings of the 2006 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Washington, DC, August 2006. Fuehrlein, B., Chandra, S., Beal, D., Parker, D.K., & Vieira, R. (2000). “Evaluation of EnergyGauge® USA, a Residential Energy Design Software Against Monitored Data.” In ACEEE Summer Study Proceedings, Pacific Grove, CA. Hales, D; M. Lubliner, A. Gordon (2003). “Duct Leakage in New Washington State Residences: Findings and Conclusions” – Proceedings of the 2003 ASHRAE Summer Meeting. Hodgson, A.T., Apte, M.G., Shendell, D.G., Beal, D. and McIlvaine, J.E.R. (2002). Implementation of VOC source reduction practices in a manufactured house and in school classrooms. In Levin, H. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Indoor Air 2002, Santa Cruz, CA, Vol. 3. pp. 576-581. Hodgson, A.T., Moyer, N., and Beal, D. (2005). "Effect of residential ventilation techniques for hot and humid climates on indoor concentrations and emission rates of volatile organic compounds." February 2005, LBNL-57030, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. Hodgson, A.T., D. Beal and J.E.R. McIlvaine. 2002. Sources of formaldehyde, other aldehydes and terpenes in a new manufactured house. Indoor Air12: 235-242. Hodgson, A.T., A.F. Rudd, D. Beal and S. Chandra. 2000. Volatile organic compound concentrations and emission rates in new manufactured and site-built houses. Indoor Air10: 178-192. Lombardi, Matthew, Parker, Danny, Vieira, Robin, Fairey, Philip (2004). "Geographic Variation in Potential of Rooftop Residential Photovoltaic Electric Power Production in the United States," Proceedings of ACEEE 2004 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Washington, DC, August 2004. Lubliner, M., Gordon, A., Hadley, A., and Parker, D. (2005). "Heat and Non-Heat Recovery Ventilation Performance in Energy Efficient HUD Code Manufactured Housing", 26th Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC), 26th Conference Ventilation in Relation to the Energy Performance of Buildings, Page 235-242, International Energy Agency, Energy Conservation in buildings and community systems programme. Lubliner, M, A. Hadley, A. Gordon (2004). “Introducing Solar Ready Manufactured Housing”. Proceedings of the 2004 National Solar Energy Conference, pp. 1151-1155. July 2004. Lubliner, M.; Gordon, A.; Hadley, A. (2004). “Manufactured Home Performance; Comparing Zero Energy and Energy Star”. Proceedings of Performances of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings IX International Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, December 2004. Lubliner, M, Nelson, M, & Parker, D. (2003). “Gossamer Wind Solar Power Ceiling Fan.” In 2003 ASES Conference Proceedings, Austin, TX. Lubliner, M.; Gordon, A.; Persily, A.; Moyer, N.; Richins, W.; Blakeley, J (2003). “Building Envelope, Duct Leakage and HVAC System Performance in HUD-Code Manufactured Homes” 23 rd Annual AIVC Conference Proceedings. Lubliner, M, Kunkle, R, Devine, J, & Gordon, A. (2002). “Washington State Residential Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code (VIAQ) - Whole House Ventilation Systems Field Research Report.” 2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings Conference, Pacific Grove, CA. Lubliner, M., & Gordon, A. (2000). “Ventilation in US Manufactured Homes: Requirements, Issues and Recommendations.” 21st Annual AIVC Conference Proceedings, The Hague. Martin, E. (2005). "Making the right choices: Finding green products is now easier than ever, but a systems approach must be employed to select the right products for a green project." Guest editorial for Florida Real Estate Journal, March 2005. McCluney, R. (2003). “Methodologies for Determining the SHGC of Complex Fenestration Systems.” Paper presented at the 2003 National Fenestration Rating Council Meeting, Houston, TX. McGinley, W. Mark, Alaina Jones, Carolyn Turner, Subrato Chandra, David Beal, Danny Parker, Neil Moyer, Janet McIlvaine (2004). Optimizing Manufactured Housing Energy Use. Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Richardson, Texas, May 17-19, 2004. McIlvaine, Janet, David Beal, Neil Moyer, Dave Chasar, Subrato Chandra (2004). Achieving Airtight Ducts in Manufactured Housing. Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Richardson, Texas, May 17-19, 2004.Report No. FSEC-CR-1323-03. Moyer, Neil, Chasar, Dave, Hoak, Dave, Chandra, Subrato, (2004). "Assessing Six Residential Ventilation Techniques in Hot and Humid Climates," Proceedings of ACEEE 2004 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Washington, DC, August 2004. Moyer, N., Beal, D., Chasar, D., McIlvaine, J., Withers, C, & Chandra, S. (2001). “Moisture Problems in Manufactured Housing: Probable Causes and Cures.” ASHRAE - IAQ 2001 Conference Proceedings, San Francisco, CA. Moyer, Neil, Chasar, Dave, Hoak, Dave, Chandra, Subrato (2004). "Assessing Six Residential Ventilation Techniques in Hot and Humid Climates," Proceedings of ACEEE 2004 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Washington, DC, August 2004. Moyer, Neil. Home Energy, “HVAC System Pressure Relief,” July/August 2006, pp. 42-45. Mullens, Michael A. and Mark E. Kelley III.(2004.) “Lean Homebuilding Using Modular Technology.” Housing and Society. January 31, 2004 pp.41-54. Mullens, M., I. Nahmens, and R. Hoekstra, “Lean Homebuilding: Lessons Learned from a Precast Concrete Panelizer,” Engineering Management Journal. Accepted November 2004. Mullens, M. and M. Arif, “Structural Insulated Panels: Impact on the Residential Construction Process.” The Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. Mullens, M. and M. Hastak (2004). “Defining a National Housing Research Agenda: Construction Management and Production” Proceedings of the NSF Housing Research Agenda Workshop, Feb. 12-14, 2004, Orlando, FL. Eds. Syal, M., Mullens, M. and Hastak, M. Vol. 2. Mullens, M. (2004). “Production flow and shop floor control: Structuring the modular factory for custom homebuilding” Proceedings of the NSF Housing Research Agenda Workshop, Feb. 12-14, 2004, Orlando, FL. Eds. Syal, M., Mullens, M. and Hastak, M. Vol. 2. Mullens, M. and I. Nahmens (2003). “Lean Principles Applied to Pre-cast Concrete Homebuilding,” Industrial Engineering Research ‘04 Conference Proceedings, Houston, May, 2004. Mullens, M., & Kelley, M. (2003, January). “Lean Homebuilding Using Modular Technology.” NAHB International Builders Show Conference Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV. Mullens, M., & Kelley, M. (2002). “Introducing Revolutionary Change in the Modular Housing Construction Process Using a Kaizen Blitz.” In Industrial Engineering Research ‘02 Conference Proceedings, Orlando, FL. Nahmens, I., M. Mullens and A. Elshennawy (2004). “The Impact of Demographics on New Homebuyer Satisfaction,” Industrial Engineering Research ‘04 Conference Proceedings, Houston, May, 2004. Nasereddin, M., Mullens, M., & Cope, D. (2002). “The Development of a Reusable Simulation Model for the Modular Housing Industry Using Promodel and Visual Basic.” In Industrial Engineering Research ‘02 Conference Proceedings, Orlando, FL. Parker, D., Hoak, D., Meier, A., Brown, R.(2006). "How Much Energy Are We Using? Potential of Residential Energy Demand Feedback Devices", Proceedings of the 2006 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Asilomar, CA., August 2006. Parker, D., Sherwin, J., Hibbs, B. (2005) "Development of High Efficiency Air Conditioner Condenser Fans." Proceedings of the 2005 Summer ASHRAE Conference, ASHRAE Transactions in June 2005. Parker, Danny S., John R. Sherwin, and Jeffrey K. Sonne (2004). “Cooling Related Performance of Finished and Unfinished Metal Roofing Systems.” Proceedings of the 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings Conference, Pacific Grove, CA. Parker, Danny S. and John R. Sherwin (2005). “Development of High Efficiency Air Conditioner Condenser Fans.” Proceedings of the 2005 ASHRAE Summer Meeting. Syal, M., M. Hastak, and M. Mullens. “Housing Research Agenda for NSF-PATH.” ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering. Accepted 11/04. Thomas-Rees, Stephanie, Chandra, S., Barkaszi, S., Chasar, D., and Colon, Carlos (2006). “Improved Specifications For Federally Procured Ruggedized Manufactured Homes For Disaster Relief in Hot/Humid Climates," Fifteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, July 24-26, 2006 Orlando, FL. Withers, C., Moyer, N., Chasar, D., & Chandra, S. (2001). “Performance and Impact from Duct Repair and Ventilation Modifications of Two Newly Constructed Manufactured Houses Located in a Hot and Humid Climate.” Paper presented at the 13th Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Houston, TX.
Contract Report - Beal, David and Janet McIlvaine (2006.) “Energy and Indoor Air Quality Recommendations for Cold Climate Habitat for Humanity Homes.” FSEC-CR-1647-06, Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, Florida. August 2006. Chandra S, Moyer N, Parker D., Beal, D. et al BUILDING AMERICA INDUSTRIALIZED HOUSING PARTNERSHIP (BAIHP) Final Technical Report - Fourth Budget Period, December 2003. Chandra S, Moyer N, Parker D., Beal, D. et al BUILDING AMERICA INDUSTRIALIZED HOUSING PARTNERSHIP (BAIHP) Final Technical Report - Third Budget Period, March, 2003. Chandra S, Moyer N, Parker D., Beal, D. et al BUILDING AMERICA INDUSTRIALIZED HOUSING PARTNERSHIP (BAIHP) Final Technical Report - Second Budget Period, Dec. 2001 Chandra S, Chasar D, Moyer N et al BUILDING AMERICA INDUSTRIALIZED HOUSING PARTNERSHIP (BAIHP) Final Technical Report - First Budget Period FSEC-CR-1239-01 March 2001 Chasar, Dave, (P.E.), Neil Moyer, and Eric Martin (2006.) “Energy Efficient Renovations of Storm Damaged Residences - Florida Case Studies.” FSEC-CR-1648-06. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, Florida. September 8, 2006 Cummings, J., Withers, C., Gu, L., McIlvaine, J., Sonne, J. K., & Lombardi, M. (2002). “Field Testing and Computer Modeling to Characterize the Energy Impacts of Air Handler Leakage.” Florida Solar Energy Center Contract Report # FSEC-CR-1357-02, Cocoa, FL. Fairey, Philip, Carlos Colon, Eric Martin, and Subrato Chandra (2006.) “Comparing Apples, Oranges and Grapefruit: An Analysis of Current Building Energy Analysis Standards for Building America, Home Energy Ratings and the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code.” FSEC-CR-1650-06. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, Florida. September 2006. Florida Solar Energy Center, & York Unitary Products Group. (2000). “The Coleman® Pressure Control System: A Comprehensive and Proactive Process to Eliminating Pressure Driven Moisture Damage in Manufactured Housing.” Florida Solar Energy Center Contract Report, Cocoa, FL. Hodgson, A.T., N. Moyer and D. Beal (2005). “Effect of residential ventilation techniques for hot and humid climates on indoor concentrations and emission rates of volatile organic compounds.” February 2005, LBNL-57030, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. McCluney, R., L. Mills (2003).The Benefits of Using Window Shades " Florida Solar Energy Center Nov. 01, 2003. McCluney, R., N. Dhere (2002). "Industry Guide to Selecting the Best Residential Window Options for the Florida Climate " Florida Solar Energy Center, Pf-358-00, Dec. 01, 2002. McGinley, M. (2002). “Study of Innovative Manufactured Housing Envelope Materials.” BAIHP Subcontract Report, Greensboro, NC. McIlvaine, J.S Chandra, N. Moyer, D. Parker, D. Beal, et al. (2005.)“Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership (BAIHP) Annual Report - Sixth Budget Period”, October 2005. McIlvaine, J., Chandra S, Moyer N, Parker D., Beal, D. et al BUILDING AMERICA INDUSTRIALIZED HOUSING PARTNERSHIP (BAIHP) Final Technical Report - Fifth Budget Period, March 2005. McIlvaine, Janet, David Beal, Philip Fairey (2001). Design and Construction of Interior Duct Systems. FSEC PF-365-01. Florida Solar Energy Center. Cocoa, Florida, May 2001. Mullens ,Dr. Mike (PE), Dr. Bob Hoekstra, Isabelina Nahmens, and Felix Martinez (2006.) “Water Intrusion in Central Florida Homes During Hurricane Jeanne in September 2004.” UCF Housing Constructability Lab, Orlando Florida. August 2006 Mullens, M., & Burdick, J. (2003). “Energy Test Results and Recommendations for Avis America Homes.” University of Central Florida Housing Constructability Lab BAIHP Report, Cocoa, FL. Mullens, M., Gallas, K., & Moyer, N. (2002). “Energy Test Results and Recommendations for General Homes Corporation.” University of Central Florida Housing Constructability Lab BAIHP Report, Cocoa, FL. Mullens, M., Gallas, K., Chasar, D. (2002). “Energy Test Results and Recommendations for Nationwide Homes.” University of Central Florida Housing Constructability Lab BAIHP Report, Cocoa, FL. Mullens, M., & Chasar, D. (2002). “Energy Test Results and Recommendations for Cardinal Homes.” University of Central Florida Housing Constructability Lab BAIHP Report, Cocoa, FL. Parker, D. (2005) "Theoretical Evaluation of the NightCool Nocturnal Radiation Cooling Concept". FSEC-CR-1502-05. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, Florida. April 2005. Parker, D., J. Sherwin, J. Sonne,(2005). "Flexible Roofing Facility: 2004 Summer Test Results", Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Building Technologies Program, July 2005. Parker, D., Sonne, J., Sherwin, J. (2004). "Flexible Roofing Facility: 2003 Summer Test Results", Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Building Technologies Program, July 2004. Parker, D., Sonne, J., Sherwin, J. (2003). Flexible Roofing Facility: 2002 Summer Test Results, Prepared for: U.S. Department of Energy Building Technologies Program, July 2003. Parker, D. K., Sonne, J. K., Sherwin, J. R., & Moyer, N. (2000). “Comparative Evaluation of the Impact of Roofing Systems on Residential Cooling Energy Demand.” Florida Solar Energy Center Contract Report #FSEC-CR-1220-00, Cocoa, FL. Sonne, J K, D S Parker and J R Sherwin (2002). Flexible Roofing Facility: 2001 Summer Test Results. FSEC-CR-1336-02. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL. Thomas-Rees, Stephanie, Subrato Chandra, Stephen Barkaszi, Dave Chasar, and Carlos Colon (2006). “Improved Specifications for Federally Procured Ruggedized Manufactured Homes for Disaster Relief in Hot/Humid Climates.” FSEC-CR-1645-06. Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, Florida. Revised - September 2006. Vieira, R., L. Gu, S. Se, C. Colon (2006.) "Improving the Accuracy and Speed for Building America Benchmarking." Florida Solar Energy Center, FSEC-CR-1651-R00, Aug. 29, 2006.
Articles in Trade Press, Popular Press, and DOE Program Newsletters - Automated Builder Magazine. “WSU Energy House.” October 2000. Automated Builder Magazine “Northwest Portable Classroom Study.” August 2003. Automated Builder Magazine. “Zero Energy Manufactured Home.” October 2003. Builder/Architect. G.W. Robinson, Builder/Founder of Cobblefield, “Healthy Homes for a Healthy Bottom Line”. August/September 2004. Building Edge Magazine. “Environmental Perspective: Innovation in Home Building. December 2004. Building Edge Magazine. “Tommy Williams Homes, Building From the Heart”. December 2004. Buildings for the 21st Century. “Genesis Homes Showcases Innovative, High-performance Home.” Spring 2002, p. 2. Energy Design Update. “Transforming Manufactured Housing: The Building America Way.” January 2002, pp. 11-13. Energy Design Update. “Palm Harbor's Prototype Home Scores Impressive Energy Savings.” December 2001, pp. 7-8. Energy Design Update. “Field Tests Commence on the World's Most Energy-efficient Manufactured Home,” December 2000, p.3. Energy Design Update. “New Building America Consortium to Focus on Industrialized Housing.” March 2000, pp. 3-4. Energy Design Update. “Energy Savings (and Unsolved Mysteries) Draw Attention to Georgia Habitat Project.” Vol. 20 Number 4. April 2000. Energy Design Update. “Ventilation System Decision Flow Chart.” February 1999, p.16. FlaSEIA Industry News. “SunBuilt and Building America Partnership.” Spring 2002, Vol. 23, N.1 pp.5-8. Florida Home Builder. “Today's Home Buyers Seeking Resource-efficient New Homes.” May/June 2002, p.25. Florida Home Builder (Ad). “Their Lifestyle Demands Quality and Comfort: Their Values Dictate a Healthy House.” May/June 2002, p.25. Gainesville Sun - Issues & Trends Section. “The Good News on Solar Homes.” April 14, 2002, pp. G1 & G3. Home Energy. “ICFs in North Texas.” Nov/Dec 2002, pp. 39-40. Home Energy. “Energy-efficient Manufactured Homes.” May/June 2002, pp. 16-17. Home Energy. “Chasing Interior Ducts.” May/June 2002, Vol. 19.3. Home Energy. “Building America: Seven Years of Progress.” May/June 2002, p.2. Home Energy. “Allergy Relief in Humid Climates.” March/April 2002, pp. 30-33. Home Energy. “Moisture Problems in Manufactured Housing.” March/April 2002, pp. 24-29. Indoor Environment Business. “Center Finds IAQ Problem from Leaky Air Handlers, Ducts in Florida.” April 2002, p.4. Manufactured Home Merchandiser. “Measured Conditions in a MH Crawl Space” June 2005, pp31-33. Orlando Sentinel - Home Section. “A Clean Sweep: Simple Steps Can Improve a Home's Indoor Air.” September 22, 2001 (OrlandoSentinel.com) Orlando Sentinel - Home Section. “In the Name of Energy.” September 2, 2001. (OrlandoSentinel.com) Pendleton Times. "Simpson Home Is First of Its Kind in WV." March 17, 2005. Vol. 92, N. 11, pg. 5. Rebuild America - Building America Partner Update. “Portable Classrooms: An Efficiency Challenge.” March/April) 2002, p. 7. Rebuild America - Building America Partner Update. “Building America: Solving Problems with Energy Efficiency.” January/February 2002, p. 10. Solar Today. “Home Energy Use Halved.” November/December 2001, pp. 54-55. Washington Post "Susanka's Signatures -- and Surprises -- Fill Demo Home in Orlando", Saturday, March 12, 2005; Page F05
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