Disclaimer: This
report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency
of the United States government. Neither the United States government,
nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty,
express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility
for the accuracy completeness, or usefulness of any information,
apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its
use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to
any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name,
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or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United
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authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those
of the United States government or any agencies thereof.
Project Management
BAIHP project management includes participating in Building America
program reviews/meetings and preparing monthly and yearly reports for
project activities as well as managing all project tasks (see Sections
1-6) and subcontracts. In the 6th Budget Period BAIHP participated in
the Peer Review conducted by DOE. A list of project management activities
is included in Table 83.
Note that only project management activities for the last budget period
of the project are available here; if activities from previous budget
periods are desired, please contact BAIHP project manager Subrato Chandra
at subrato@fsec.ucf.edu or
review previous year’s final reports on the BAIHP web page at www.baihp.org.
Table 82. Project Management Activities
for April 2005 – June 2006
In January of 2006, prior to the International
Builders Show, FSEC hosted DOE’s David Rodgers, Acting Deputy
Assistant Secretary for EERE, and David Moorer for a half day tour
and research discussion. |
Manage Project and Subcontracts, Attend
DOE Meetings and Produce Reports |
Issued subcontracts and develop scopes
of work.
Participation in BA Quarterly Review Meeting
Compiled and summarized results from 6th Budget Period Annual Report
Compiled and summarized monthly results from research, implementation
research, presentations, and publications. |
DOE Peer Review Process |
Prepared Peer Review documents and
submitted to DOE
Prepared Peer Review Presentations
Participated in the DOE peer review process and made several presentations.
Available online at: /pubs/doe_review/index.htm |
30% Joule Reports |
Reviewed and provided feedback on DOE
Cold Climate and hot dry climate 30% reports
Provided feedback on DOE Cold Climate 30% Design Report and provided
maps of project locations superimposed on the climate zone map to
National Energy Technology
Laboratory (NETL) |
Prepared BAIHP proposal in response
to the NETL solicitation.
Responded to NETL requests for additional information after their
selection of the BAIHP team to receive new funding for the new BAIHP
UCF/FSEC received signed award from NETL for a new 5 year agreement
to continue the BAIHP work |
California Lighting Technology
Center |
Began paperwork to issue purchase order
to the California Lighting Technology Center for assistance in
lighting design.
Plan to subcontract with CLTC on lighting upgrade package in MHLab.
Monitored ongoing data collection for comparison of ventilation packages |
DOE FY07Annual Operating Plan |
Finalized FY06 AOP and submitted to
Prepared the BAIHP FY07AOP and submitted to DOE
Subrato Chandra, Danny Parker, Janet McIlvaine and Rob Vieira participated
in the DOE FY07AOP planning meeting in Washington DC |
Table 83. BAIHP Project Management Activities
for April 2004 - March 2005
BAIHP Task/Staff |
Description/Subject |
Task: Participation in
BA Quarterly Review Meetings |
Chandra, Fairey, Vieira, Parker, McIlvaine, |
Participation in BA Quarterly Review
Meetings |
Participation in other
BA Meetings |
Met with WSDUE and PNNL to discuss
BAIHP research support for NFPA-501 future. (April 04)) |
Attended MHI Congress, representing
Building America. Met with BAIHP industry partners and submitted
ideas for 2 papers for 2005 International conference. (April 04 |
Chandra, Mullens |
MHRA pre conference to define agenda
for the 2005 International Conference on factory built housing
(April 2004) |
Attended ASHRAE conference and chaired
TC 6.3 (June 04) |
Martin, Chandra |
BA all teams meeting in Washington
D.C (June 04) |
Lubliner, Moyer |
Annual NEEM meeting with special focus
on integrating NEEM and BAIHP efforts. |
Chandra, Vieira |
BA quarterly meeting (August 2004) |
Teleconference call organized by the
DOE Seattle regional office to discuss Building America approach
with Hawaii state energy personnel. (September 2004) |
Met with USDOE staff in Washington,
focus on BAIHP activities. (September 2004) |
Conference calls on BAIHP activities
with USDOE regional office. (September 2004) |
Chandra |
Meeting, DOE-Atlanta to discuss FY05
solicitation for BA tech transfer activities. (October, 2004) |
Met with USDOE staff in Washington,
focus on BAIHP activities. (October 2004) |
Fairey, Parker |
BA quarterly review in Washington,
D.C. (November 204) |
Met with Robin Pharo – Aprilaire
(discussion on BAIHP and FSEC collaboration). (February 2005) |
Chandra, Moyer, Parker |
Pre peer review meeting in Washington,
D.C. (March 2004) |
Prepare Reports |
Chandra, All Researchers |
Compiled and summarized results from
5th Budget Period Annual Report |
Chandra, Alidina, All |
Compiled and summarized monthly results
from research, implementation research, presentations, and publications. |
Manage Project and Subcontracts
and Perform Related Activities |
Chandra |
BAIHP subcontracts issued and scope
of work developed. |
Chandra |
Continued meetings and discussion with
Sam Taylor regarding Building America deployment through Energy
Extension services. |
Chandra |
Prepared response to DOE solicitation
# DE-FC2699GO10478 |
Chandra |
Preparation of FY06 AOP proposal submission
to DOE. |
Project Contact