Research: B. Site Built Housing Research Cont'd
69 The Augusta,
Cambridge Homes Building America Prototype. |
partnership between BAIHP and production builder Cambridge
Homes began late in 2001. Cambridge Homes had recently signed
on with the EPA Energy Star Homes Program as a 100% Energy
Star builder and expressed interest in increasing energy
efficiency even further, as well as adding some “healthy
home” features to their product. Also, Cambridge Homes
expressed interest in BAIHP helping them design and build
in a way that would prevent moisture related problems and
call backs.
BAIHP began by conducting analysis on several typical home
designs and presenting results and strategies in a number
of meetings with the builder. BAIHP also arranged a special
meeting with the American Lung Association of Central Florida
to discuss achieving the ALA Health House designation on
the showcase model. However, the builder decided not to pursue
the health house designation at that time.
implement Building America strategies outlined by FSEC
researchers, Cambridge Homes constructed a “prototype
house” (Figure 69) to ensure that the strategies
mate well with their current building practices (Table
41). A variety of home plans were reviewed to select
an appropriate demonstration home, as well as a standard-practice
counterpart. During construction, both homes were outfitted
with dataloggers and associated monitoring equipment.
homes were built in Baldwin Park, a new Orlando subdivision
being developed on land that was once home to the Orlando
Naval Training Center. The development will be 30% larger
than New York’s Central Park, totaling approximately
1100 acres. Four hundred acres have been set aside for parks
and open space, while 700 acres will be used for the construction
of 3,000 homes, one million square feet of office space,
and 200,000 square feet of retail space. Cambridge Homes
is one of ten builders constructing homes in the community
and plans to build 700 homes in Baldwin Park over the next
five years.
41 Cambridge Homes Specifications |
Component |
Base Case (Covington) |
Prototype (Augusta) |
Conditioned Area |
2446 ft2 |
2672 ft2 |
Envelope |
Above-Grade Wall Structure |
CMU first floor
2X4 Frame second floor
Same |
Above-Grade Wall Insulation |
R-3.5 rigid foam
R-13 Fiberglass Batt
R-3.5 rigid foam
Above-Grade Wall Sheathing |
Same |
Attic |
Vented r-30 batt |
Unvented r-19 Icynene |
Roof |
Owens corning shingle |
Elk architectural shingle |
Windows |
Single pane, clear
Metal frame
Double pane, low-e
Metal frame
Infiltration (ACH50) |
Not tested by FSEC |
3.0 |
Equipment |
# Of Systems |
2 |
1 |
Heating |
Heat pump HSPF = 8.65 |
Same |
Cooling |
2.5 ton, 13 SEER
2 ton, 13 SEER
5 ton, 13 SEER |
Thermostat |
Programmable |Standard
Programmable |
Ventilation |
None |
Thermastor Ultra-Aire |
Water Heater |
50gallon Electric EF 0.88 |
Same |
Lighting |
10% fluorescent |
100% fluorescent |
Appliances |
Standard |
Energy Star |
Hers Score |
87 |
87.6 |
The demonstration home gave the builder firsthand experience
with unfamiliar design elements, some of which have been
incorporated into their standard practices. Such unfamiliar
design elements included vapor permeable wall insulation,
low-e windows, whole house dehumidifiers, unvented attics,
and compact fluorescent lighting. FSEC researchers closely
monitored the construction of the prototype and standard
practice home, which was built to the Energy Star level.
A duct test was performed in the prototype house during mechanical
rough in to ensure leakage specs were met. Meetings also
were held with the builder's HVAC contractor to discuss installation
of the whole-house high efficiency dehumidification, filtration,
and ventilation unit in the prototype model.
Upon completion of the home, duct testing was repeated to
include inspection of the whole house dehumidification unit,
and infrared camera analysis was conducted on the home. Data
(Figures 70 and 71) collected from the two homes
showed marked improvement in attic temperature (a primary
cooling load) and indoor relative humidity control.
70 Comparison
of attic temperatures between Cambridge Homes BA Prototype
(Augusta) and Standard Cambridge Homes construction
(Covington). Graph shows how sealed attic construction
in Augusta results in lower attic temperatures than
vented attic construction during cooling season in
Orlando, FL. |
71 BA Prototype
(Augusta) contains whole house dehumidification system.
Plot shows daily cycling of the system resulting in
a lower relative humidity in the prototype home than
in the standard Cambridge Homes construction. |
performed training for Cambridge Homes' sales staff in
March 2003. The training took place within the completed “prototype” model.
Training focused on the advanced features of the Building America
showcase model which Cambridge Homes began offering in April
in 2003, Cambridge Homes began construction of a second
home similar to the “prototype” model, which
was purchased by a customer impressed with its attributes.
FSEC staff conducted training for builder and sales staff
in December 2003 to review design methodologies and lessons
learned from the prototype model. A second meeting was held
in January 2004 inspect progress of the home. Upon moving
into the home, Cambridge Homes reports that the new homeowner
is extremely happy with the home.
assist Cambridge Homes with reducing callbacks and moisture
reduction problems, FSEC researchers have also conducted “total” and
to “out” duct tests on six other Cambridge homes
to determine why the total duct leakage numbers were high
(>10% of fan flow) despite low to “out” duct
leakage. “Out” is defined as outside the conditioned
space, including buffer spaces like an attic or garage. Consistent
leakage was found around the boot to register grill connections.
FSEC worked with Cambridge Homes and their HVAC contractor,
DEL-AIR, to specify air tight register grills.
In May 2004 additional instrumentation was installed in
the prototype and base case homes to collect more detailed
data on the different attic designs of the two instrumented
homes (un-vented vs. vented). Data collection continued until
October 2004, and data is currently being analyzed.
Homes, a production builder in Orlando, in 2001 pledged
to build a community of 200 homes that meet both Energy
Star standards (HERS = 86) and the Florida Green Home
Designation Standard. Rey’s partnership with
FSEC began in October 2001 when researchers analyzed
Rey’s standard home designs and construction and
made recommendations for complying with these standards.
In the fourth budget period, Rey built 2 homes in their
Villa Sol community for side by side comparison of unvented
attic construction, a BAIHP recommended strategy. FSEC
installed monitoring equipment in both homes, one with
an unvented attic and one with a standard vented attic
including a set of moisture pins in each house to monitor
the moisture content of roof trusses in addition to the
usual complement of temperature, humidity, and energy
use meters. Instrumentation was complete early in the
fifth budget period; however, data collection was not
successful due to equipment and site complications. Monitoring
equipment was removed during the sixth budget period
and relocated to an active monitoring project.
Figure 72 Hoak residence
in Longwood, Fl. |
This three-story, 4,250 square foot home was completed
in February 2001 by Mr. David Hoak and Sharpless Construction
in Longwood, Florida near Orlando. (Figure 72)
FSEC assisted the owner and builder by recommending a
package of features that produced an exceptionally energy
efficient design at a reasonable cost. Because the building
envelope design and mechanical equipment selection work
together as a system, the home can be cooled with a much
smaller air conditioner than is needed by most homes
of this size in this climate.
Envelope Features:
High Performance Windows
25% of the annual cooling load in a typical Central
Florida home is introduced through the windows. Recent
advances in window technology allow this load to be
greatly reduced. The windows in this residence are
particularly useful in Florida because they have a
very low Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) to reduce
direct solar gains, and a relatively high Visible Transmittance
(VT) for natural daylighting.
73 semi-conditioned
space for the ductwork. |
Unvented Attic
Most Florida homes have vented attics with batt or
blown insulation applied just above the ceiling. This
exposes the air conditioning ductwork to very high
temperatures and magnifies duct leakage problems. Sealing
the attic envelope and insulating at the roof deck,
as shown in Figure 73, provided a semi-conditioned
space for the ductwork. This reduced conductive heat
gain and minimized the detrimental impact of duct leakage. Expanding Foam Insulation
A layer of expanding foam insulation (Figure 73) was
applied to the underside of the roof deck to create an
unvented, semi-conditioned attic (R-22). The same insulation
was applied to all above-grade walls (R-11). While the
insulation R-values were standard, the foam created a
nearly airtight seal and greatly reduced outside air
Continuous Air Barrier
of Florida’s hot and humid outside
air can have a big impact on energy use, building
durability, and occupant health. The continuous air barrier,
placed toward the outside of the building envelope, reduces
this infiltration. Indoor air quality concerns
were addressed by installing an energy recovery ventilator
to introduce outside air.
air barrier consists of a tightly taped housewrap installed
over the exterior sheathing on all above-grade frame walls,
and extruded polyurethane foam boards glued to the interior
of the below-grade block walls. Expanding foam insulation
provided an extra measure of airtightness at all above-grade
exterior surfaces including the roof deck. Special care
was taken to seal wall details such as corners, floor interfaces,
and the roof junction. Blower door performance
tests verified the home’s level of airtightness
(ACH50 = 2.0). Equipment Features: 2-Speed, Zoned Heat Pump
74 Heat
water heater. |
building envelope design features described above greatly
reduced the required air conditioner size. Manual-J
HVAC equipment-sizing calculations showed the need for
only 2½ tons of heating and cooling capacity. In this
case the owner opted for a two-speed compressor, which
provides either 2½ or 5 tons of cooling or heating
depending on the need.
Hoak home air conditioning unit typically operated
in the 2½-ton mode until the late afternoon
when it switched to the 5-ton mode for a few
brief periods. In this home, energy use stays
low because the low compressor speed operates
the majority of the time. But, when quick cool-down
or excessive loads require more capacity, the
high speed compressor can meet the need.
data indicated that the 5-ton mode operated about
one in every four days during the three hottest summer
months (June to August), usually for periods of 15
minutes or less. Even these short periods of high-speed
compressor operation might have been avoided with
proper use of a programmable thermostat. These results
verify the Manual J sizing calculations and indicate
that if a single speed HVAC system were installed,
the optimum size would be 2½ to 3 tons.
Variable-speed Air Handler
Two benefits of using a variable-speed motor for air
distribution are better moisture removal and energy efficiency.
During the cooling season, slower airflow across a cold
coil allows for more moisture removal. Wintertime comfort
also is enhanced with this operation, since the coil
has more time to warm before the air is brought to full
Indoor relative humidity tends to increase during
the fall and winter months when air conditioning
activity declines. Without a dedicated dehumidifier, the
air conditioner is the only means of reducing indoor relative
humidity. When there is a call for cooling -
the low-speed compressor in a variable speed system operates
more consistently than a larger system and keeps relative
humidity from rising to unhealthy levels.
Heat Pump Water Heater
Solar water heating would have been the first choice
for this home, but poor orientation and too many shade
trees forced a search for other options. (Figure
72) Natural gas also was unavailable in the area.
To avoid the inefficiency of electric resistance water
heating, a 6,000 BTU/hour heat pump water heater ( Figure
74 ). Heat pump water heater produced all the hot
water needs for a four-person household from April to
September .
water heater was connected to a standard 80-gallon electric
water heater. By locating the heat pump inside the home,
homeowners gained a summertime benefit of additional cooling
and year ‘round
dehumidification because the system removes moisture each
time it operates.
Energy Recovery Ventilator
The energy recovery ventilator acts as a conduit to
flush out stale indoor air and replace it with outdoor
air. As the indoor air is expelled, a heat exchanger
recovers up to 80% of the energy used to heat or cool
the air and transfers it to the incoming air stream.
This unit also transfers a portion of the moisture between
the airstreams, which is useful during periods of high
outdoor humidity.
Airtight Ducts
Attic and duct heat gain contribute to about 22% of
the cooling needs of a typical Central Florida home when
are ducts located in a vented attic above the insulation.
While some home efficiency is lost by direct heat-gain
through the duct insulation, a great deal more efficiency
can be lost from unintended duct leakage from the ductwork
into the vented attic. Duct leakage test results showed
only 50 CFM of air was lost at 25 Pa of pressure differential
in the Hoak residence. This leakage equates to 1.2% leakage
per square foot of conditioned floor area - far below
the leakage normally found in new Florida homes.
Energy Monitoring:
Monitors on the Hoak residence include 11 attic temperature
and relative humidity sensors, three indoor sensors,
a Hobo event logger to record the dehumidifier cycling
time, and a tipping bucket rain gauge with Hobo logger
to monitor the combined condensate of the air conditioner,
dehumidifier, and heat pump water heater. In 2002, Alten
Design also assembled a new logger monitoring computer
with the capability of reading data from two Campbell
21X loggers. This computer was configured with remote
monitoring and control capacity so that Partners can
program and maintain the system without traveling to
the site.
Duct Leakage
leakage test results showed the Hoak home air loss was
only 50 CFM at 25 Pa or 1.2% leakage per square foot of
conditioned floor area – far
below the amount of leakage normally found in new Florida
duct leakage is less than 10% of air handler flow (200
CFM). Blower door performance tests verified the home’s
level of airtightness at two air changes per hour at 50
Pa (ACH50 = 2.0). When including leakage around the supply
grills, house leakage increased about 30%. Slightly more
than half of the house leakage (1479 CFM at 50 Pa) is located
in the sealed attic space (760 CFM at 50 Pa).
Cooling Energy
Initial data comparisons were made against data collected
from a Lakeland, Florida residence (PVRes), designed
by FSEC and monitored for more than a year. The PVRes
home contained the most energy-efficient provisions researchers
could devise, including a 5 kW photovoltaic system. Data
collected at the Hoak home shows the cooling energy is
nearly on par with the PVRes Home on a per square foot
Weekly data logs of the Hoak home provided by Alten
Design from the 14 Hobo temperature and relative humidity
sensors and pressure tests through March 2003, confirm
that air pathways between the unvented attic and outdoors
still exist. Researchers suspect that these pathways
may be the primary source of moisture intrusion into
the unvented attic space. Several whole house pressure
tests (smoke tests) were performed by Alten Design and
FSEC to isolate these external sources of air infiltration.
Identified leaks were sealed, though actions have shown
some benefit moisture levels are still higher than desired.
In order to isolate areas of leakage, barriers will
be placed in the house splitting the areas under test
into easier to monitor individual zones.
New Features in 6 th Budget Period
An EnergyViewer to monitor whole house power use and
the ERV control was modified to respond in tandem with
bathroom vents. The ERV runs for a 15 min period of time.
Also, new anticipating thermostats by Honeywell were