driving force that has encouraged these builders
to become team members varies from builder to builder,
however there is a general underlying theme. A number of
their homes built for the hot and humid climate (built
according to HUD-code specifications) have experienced
various degrees of building failure due to moisture. A
subtask of the effort with the DOE Building America Program
is entitled “Moisture Research”. In
this endeavor, FSEC will attempt to help team members
to eliminate moisture problems plaguing HUD Code homes
in the Southeast by “…conducting diagnostic
tests in problem homes, fixing problem homes, evaluating
the effectiveness by conducting pre/post fix short term
tests, and related activities…”
HUD-Code Home
is the difference between a manufactured home,
a modular home and a panelized home? Many types of structures
are built in a factory and designed for long-term residential
use. Manufactured and modular home units are built in
a factory, transported to the site location and installed. Panelized
and pre-cut homes, essentially flat units (factory-built
panels or factory-cut building materials) are transported
to the site location and assembled. The major difference
is that manufactured homes are federally regulated by
the HUD Code under Title 24 CFR 3280. The HUD Code
provides the design and construction requirements for
the complete production of the entire home in the factory,
with some modifications permitted for on-site completion. Modular,
panelized and pre-cut homes fall under the auspice of
the model building code enforced in the jurisdiction
where the home will be located. These codes can
include the BOCA National Building Code, the ICBO Uniform
Building Code, the Southern Standard Building Code or
the ICC One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code.
Construction Process and Setup
process of constructing a manufactured home is
very different from the conventional site built home – the home
is built from the inside out as it travels down an assembly
line. A steel chassis is constructed and the floor
assembly (containing plumbing, wiring, and duct work)
is attached. Floor coverings, interior walls, plumbing
fixtures, and furnace are installed. The exterior
walls with the interior finish and insulation are hoisted
into place and attached to the floor. The finished
ceiling assembly is then lifted from the construction
jig and lowered onto the home (figure 1). As
exterior sheathings and coverings are attached, a flurry
of interior activities continues within to provide finishing
touches. The newly constructed assembly is then
moved to the operational test site where the various
plumbing and electrical systems are checked.
2 shows a typical HUD-code home just produced leaving
the factory. These homes have a permanent steel
chassis with axles attached below the floor. After
production the homes could travel a few hundred miles,
hauled by a truck, before set up in its final location. The
homes are set upon blocks or piers and the steel frame
chassis is firmly anchored to the ground. A vented
skirting conceals the underside of the home.
Duct System
homes are typically heated or cooled by a forced
air system employing ductwork, which delivers hot or
cold air from the air handler unit (AHU). The ductwork
may be located in the attic or in the belly cavity of
the home. Figure 3 shows the ducts in the
belly, supplying conditioned air to all rooms through
floor vents. This is a very common and inexpensive
system that is used in manufactured homes. The
ducts are typically made out of aluminum or fiberglass
trunk lines which supply air to the floor registers through
in-line boots or through flex ducts, which terminate
to perimeter registers on the floor. The most common
method of sealing the various joints and connections
is with a foil tape.
homes will also have a section of the ductwork
that is connected during the setup operation. A flexible
duct is used to connect the supply sections together
in the attic or in the crawlspace. These connections
are usually made with duct tape and/or a tie strap. (Note:
the authors have seen three out of twenty-five instances
during the course of this project where there has been
complete or nearly complete separation of this connector
Ventilation System
HUD-code homes are required to have a ventilation
system installed. Title 24 CFR Part 3280.103b ‘Light
and ventilation’, states that…
manufactured home shall be capable of providing a minimum
of 0.35 air changes per hour continuously or at an equivalent
hourly average rate. The following criteria shall
be adhered to.
- Natural
infiltration and exfiltration shall be considered as
providing 0.25 air changes per hour.
- The
remaining ventilation capacity of 0.10-air change
per hour or its hourly average equivalent shall
be calculated using 0.035 cubic feet per minute
per square foot of interior floor space. This
ventilation capacity shall be in addition to
any openable window area.
- The
remaining ventilation capacity may be provided
by: a mechanical system, or a passive system,
or a combination passive and mechanical system….”
there are two main types of ventilation systems
that are employed by the manufacturing housing industry
to meet the 0.10 air change per hour requirement. Both
types are used in the hot and humid climate; an exhaust
only system that is located in a hallway or utility room
and an outside air supply system that is ducted from
the roof to the return airside of the air handler fan. The
exhaust ventilation system is manually controlled with
a simple on-off switch. The outside air supply
system is linked to the operation of the air handler
and controlled with an automatic damper (if applicable).
problems are being experienced by a significant
number of manufactured homes in the hot, humid climate
of the Southeast United States. According to the
Manufactured Housing Research Allaince (MHRA), solving
moisture problems is the highest research priority of
the HUD code industry. Moisture
problems (Figure 4) include extensive mold,
soft wallboards, buckled floors, damaged wood molding
and trim, and high relative humidities in the home. Frequently,
these homes have a high air-conditioning bill as
homeowners attempt to increase comfort by lowering
the thermostat temperature. (Note: each degree
F drop in temperature causes an approximate 10%
increase in cooling costs. The
BAIHP team has investigated over 25 problem homes
and has found that the problems are caused by the
following factors acting individually or in combination
- Lowered
air conditioner thermostat setting
(typically 68-73oF),
well below the ambient dew point.
- Negative
pressures across the envelope from high
supply duct leakage (cfm @25Pa > 10 per
100 square feet of conditioned floor area),
inadequate return air paths, interior door
closures, exhaust fans or a combination thereof.
- Inadequate
moisture removal from disconnected return
ducts, continuous operation of air handler
or exhaust fans, inadequate removal of condensate,
oversized air conditioner, poorly maintained
equipment or a combination thereof.
- Moisture
diffusion from the ground into the house
because of poor site drainage, inadequate crawl
space ventilation, tears in the belly board,
or a combination thereof.
- Vapor
retarder in the wrong location i.e. vinyl
or other impermeable wall or floor coverings.
Science Basics For Moisture Plagued HomesIn the
hot and humid Southeastern U.S., the outside air is consistently
above a dewpoint of 75oF during the
summer months. If the homeowner decides to
keep the interior temperature of the home below
75oF, in an
effort to maintain comfort, or if an interior surface
is cooled below the exterior dewpoint temperature,
then when moisture-laden outside air comes into
contact with cold inside surfaces, condensation
occurs. If it
condenses behind an impermeable surface such as
vinyl flooring or vinyl wallpaper, wall board damage,
floor buckling problems and mold problems can result. There
are six main sources that we have seen in our investigations
of ~25 problem homes with moisture damage of “unknown” causes.
Temperature Below Outside Dewpoint (100% of the homes
want to be comfortable in their homes. Thermal
comfort is, in a simplified form, a function of the temperature,
humidity and the physical activity of an individual (Fanger
1972). In most homes, the only “control” feature
is that of the thermostat. The common perception
is that lowering the temperature will provide the cooling
comfort desired. The HVAC supplier/installer wants
to ensure that the homeowner has a unit that is oversized
to prevent callbacks of high interior temperatures or
home owner precieved excessive run-times of the air conditioning
system. Oversizing can cause several problems that
are detrimental to the house and occupant comfort (Karg,
R. and Krigger J. 2000).
- The
unit is not operating long enough to provide
dehumidification. Dehumidification
is acomplished by passing return air over the
cooling coil.
- The
interior house temperatures can be lowered to
a point far below the ambient air temperature dewpoint. This
can lead to condensation on interior surfaces,
with it’s
attendant material degradation and mold growth. Typical
summer dewpoint temperatures range between 70
and 80 degrees F for most of the hot, humid South,
especially near coastal regions.
- The
oversized unit has a larger blower fan, which exacerbates
duct leakage and pressure differential problems
associated with the forced air system.
pressures across the envelope (100% of the homes investigated)
pressure is the driver that brings warm moist exterior
air into the building through every crack, crevice,
hole or opening that exists. The negative pressure field
may encompass the entire building or there may be zones
within the building that experience negative pressures
created by inadequate return air paths, or interior door
closures. For example, supply duct leakage and/or
exhaust fans may create negative pressures in the entire
house, while door closure may create negative pressure
in a single room or zone of the house. It is important
to note that we are talking about miniscule amounts of
negative pressures – on the order of 1 to 3 Pascals. However,
over time, even these tiny air pressures can lead to
serious damage (Odom, 1996).
leaks and return air pathways (100% of the homes investigated)
of the biggest causes of moisture problems in manufactured
homes, in hot and humid climates, is leakage from
the supply ducts. In manufactured housing, the leakage
is often caused by poor design and construction practices
which leaves holes at the connection points of the AHU
to the main trunk, the boots (or risers) to the trunk,
the boots to the supply registers, end caps, cross-over
duct connections and other connection points in the duct
work. When the AHU moves air, some of it leaks
into the belly and eventually to the outside through
tears in the belly board. This loss of air creates
a negative pressure inside the house and a positive pressure
in the belly as schematically shown in figure 5. The
negative pressure draws outside or attic air into the
house through the numerous cracks and crevices connecting
the inside of the house to the outside or the attic. If
this outside air is cold and dry, like it is in the wintertime
in the Northern U.S. it will increase the heating energy
use and occupant discomfort. This situation would not
rot the home in this climate but it will in the hot,
and humid Southern U.S..
aggravating factor is the lack of return air transfers
when interior doors are closed. In many manufactured
and site built homes there is a single return located
in the main body, e.g. living room, dining room, central
hallway, of the house. Air returning from individual
rooms can be restricted by door closure. There is often
very little area provided for return air from closable
rooms; typically this pathway is the undercut at the
bottom of the doors. When interior doors are closed,
the bedrooms become pressurized and the main body of
the house depressurizes. Figure 6 shows
the pressure differential effect of duct leakage and
inadequate return air pathways. House #10 shows
a postive pressure because of a disconnected main return
air duct; that house operates nearly 9 Pascals positive
when the air handler fan cycles on. The typical
manufactured home experiences supply only type leakage
as the return grill is normally located on the air handler
fans (8% of the homes investigated)
pressures can also be created by the use of exhaust
fans. Whole
house ventilation fans installed in HUD code housing
are designed to be able to continuously exhaust air from
the house at a rate of at least 0.035 cubic feet per
minute per square foot of interior floor space. These
fans are operated by manually switching them on or off
(24 CFR Part 3280.103). In our inspections, we
noted only one home where the factory installed ventilation
fan ran continuously – and it suffered moisture
problems (house #4). Typically, this fan is not
operated because of the noise that it creates. Another
case (house #16) we investigated involved the installation
of a dual fan window unit. The owners converted
a bedroom into a pet care room and operated the window
fans to control odor. Unfortunately, this not only
removed the pet odor, but also depressurized the entire
house by 1 Pascal. High dewpoint crawlspace air
was pulled into the floor assembly through numerous penetrations
in the belly board and entered the home via the plumbing,
electrical and other penetrations that existed in the
floor. The result was mold growth in the bathroom
cabinets and the deterioration of the subfloor under
the kitchen vinyl.
moisture removal (~80% of the homes investigated)
sizing, operation and maintenance of the air conditioning
system is necessary to maintain interior temperatures
and provide humidity control. It appears
that there may be a fair degree of oversizing of
equipment, though not specifically analyzed. Houses
#19 and #20 are the same size, model, manufactured
in the same plant and are located a short distance
apart, yet one has a 4-ton air conditioning system
and the other only a 2.5 ton. Both experienced
problems, however the one with the larger unit
had a more severe moisture problem. Based
on the comments of the homeowners, some of the
units have the ability to lower interior temperatures
as much as 30 degrees below the ambient exterior
temperature. Anecdotally,
we may say that if the unit is capable of such
a temperature difference, then the unit is probably
oversized. An
oversized unit will tend to short cycle, lowering
the interior temperatures, but not able to adequately
remove moisture from the air. In an effort
to be comfortable, the thermostat setting is lowered.
duct system leakage also prevented adequate moisture
removal from the house. The air conditioning systems
were overwhelmed with ambient humidity conditions. Three
houses that were investigated, had a portion of the duct
system that was completely disconnected. One (house
#9) had a return duct that had failed and was pulling
the majority of it’s air from the crawlspace. A
second one (house #3) experienced a disconnected crossover
supply duct. The majority of the conditioned air
was lost to the attic space. The third home (house
#16) had had the supply duct connecting the package air
condition system to the house fall off at least three
times within the first few months after being installed.
and operation of the equipment also impacted the
moisture levels within the home. The thermostat of house
#4 was not operating correctly and the air handler fan
was always on. Operation of the blower with supply
leakage and door closure continuously placed the home
in a negative pressure of -1.0 Pascal. The home
had had the interior wallboard of all exterior walls
replaced within the first year of occupancy due to moisture
damage. The repair crew could not find the cause
of the problem, so the damaged wall was replaced, only
to fail again.
in condensate drain line appears to have been the
final element needed to cause catastrophic floor and
wall damage to house #11. The homeowner reported that the house
had operated adequately for the first year. They
reportedly kept the thermostat between 78-80oF and
were fairly comfortable. All at once the home felt
uncomfortable and the thermostat setting was lowered
to compensate, failure of materials and mold growth soon
followed. During our investigation, a pie tin and
plastic wrapper was found in the drain pan of the evaporator
coil of the unitary system. The plastic wrapper
was effectively blocking the condensate drain line causing
flooding of the cabinet and recycling of the water back
to the house.
diffusion through floor assembly (100% of the homes
appears in these homes inspected that one of the
moisture diffusion pathways existed between the earth
and floor coverings. The typical barrier between the earth
and floor coverings on a manufactured home is a “belly
board”. When these belly boards have numerous
penetrations or holes, free passage of both air and water
vapor into the floor cavity now become an issue of concern. In
many cases, standing water, or evidence thereof, existed
in the crawlspaces below the belly boards. A skirting
that is designed to hide the crawlspaces and provide
attractive appearances then surrounds these high moisture
sources. [Note: a standard for skirting ventilation
of the area under the home is to provide openings that
have a net area of at least one square foot for each
150 square feet (Fleetwood Homes (1999) & Palm
Harbor Homes (2000)). Leaving
warm, moist air no choice but to rise up through the
tears and other openings of the belly boards into the
subfloorings. (This may be the result of air transported
moisture or moisture vapor diffusion or both.) The
subfloorings, composed of either plywood or wood composite
materials, allow moisture vapor to pass through to the
floor coverings. Carpeted surfaces offered little resistance
and moisture passes into the home; vinyl floor coverings,
on the other hand, are impermeable surfaces and prevent
moisture intrusion. If that surface is at or below
the dewpoint temperature of the crawlspace air, then
condensation occurs on the underside of the impermeable
flooring creating favorable environments for mold growth.
appears to be a pattern of floor moisture/staining
problems when the duct system is located overhead in
the attic. Staining
and warping of vinyl-covered floors has occurred in areas
under the register. The areas of the vinyl covered
flooring showing the worst staining were being washed
by cold air from the supply registers (figure 7 & 8). Though
measurements were not made of floor temperatures, it
stands to reason that areas being washed by the supply
air will tend to be cooler than those areas not washed. This
cooling of the surfaces creates temperatures below the
crawlspace dewpoint temperature and condensation occurs.
retarder in the wrong location (100% of the homes investigated)
homes inspected followed the HUD code ruling on
moisture vapor control as defined by section 504, which
Condensation control and installation of vapor retarders.
(a) Ceiling
vapor retarders. (1) In Uo Value Zones 2 and 3,
ceilings shall have a vapor retarder with a permanence
of not greater than 1 perm (as measured by ASTM E-96-93
Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of
Materials) installed on the living space side of the
roof cavity. (2) For manufactured homes designed for
Uo Value Zone 1, the vapor retarder may be omitted.
(b) Exterior
walls. (1) Exterior walls shall have a vapor barrier
not greater than 1 perm (dry cup method) installed on
the living space side of the wall, or (2) Unventilated
wall cavities shall have an external covering and/or
sheathing which forms the pressure envelope. The covering
and/or sheathing shall have a combined permeance of not
less than 5.0 perms….
Uo Zone 1 includes Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama,
Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida.)
is common practice for the manufacturers to use
a vinyl covered wallboard as the interior finished surface. This
is one of the most economical finishes that can be applied
and meets the vapor barrier requirement. Testing
of the wallboard with the vinyl finish has been completed
by others according to the ASTM E-96 standard . The
results of the test showed that a 3/8” gypsum wall
board laminated with 4-mil vinyl has a perm rating of
0.42 (gr./hr.-ft3-in. Hg) (Manufactured Housing
Institute (2000b).
of the homes inspected that experienced wall board failure
were vinyl coated. Typical symptoms included staining
of the vinyl wallcoverings and bowing of the wallboards. Additionally,
negative air pressures within the buildings were created
by duct leakages, door closures or a combination of both.
vinyl floor coverings also fall into this category. The
vapor retarder is located on the interior surface. The
difference is that the problem has only been seen in
houses with overhead duct systems. It is believed
(testing to verify is still ongoing) that the cool air
from the supply registers is being blown down to the
floor and is cooling the surfaces below outside air dewpoints. At
this point, the solution has been to replace the current
uni-directional registers with a multi-directional one. Additionally,
the belly board is also sealed to prevent crawlspace
vapor intrusion.
more than 25 homes with moisture problems have
been field tested by BAIHP researchers and were accompanied
by the various manufacturer’s service managers and other
interested parties. Table 1 provides observed and
measured data from several homes. The homes investigated
are generally located within 25 miles of the Atlantic
Ocean or Gulf of Mexico, ranging from North Carolina
to Texas (figure 9). All of the homes have
had at least one extensive changeout of moisture damaged
building materials, many have had two or three.
Equipment and Procedures
testing protocol employs a battery of tests to establish
the integrity of the building envelope and the duct system.
These tests assist in the determination of the potential
for air transported moisture problems that can cause
severe damage to building components, increase energy
consumption and decrease occupant comfort. Ideally,
the protocol begins with three tests using a calibrated
blower door and a calibrated duct tester.
first test employs the calibrated blower door and establishes
a leakage rate for the house at a specific pressure differential. This
is usually expressed in cubic feet per minute at 50 Pascals
(CFM50) or air changes per hour at 50 Pascals (ACH50). The
next two tests establish duct system airtightness. These
tests use the duct tester and yield the leakage rate
of the duct system in a similar manner to the building
air-tightness test and are expressed in cubic feet per
minute at 25 Pascals (CFM25). One test measures
the total leakage from the duct system to the interior
and exterior of the building (CFM25total)
by pressurizing the duct system to 25 Pascals. The second
test measures leakage to the exterior of the building
only (CFM25out) by pressurizing the building
and the duct system to the same pressure, removing any
driving force for leakage between the building and the
duct system. This results in the remaining leakage
being to the outside of the building envelope. The
results are airflow at 25 Pascals (cfm @ 25 Pa) and air
leakage at 25 Pa normalized by the conditioned house
square footage (cfm/ft2 @ 25 Pa). A duct system
to be considered to be “essentially leak free” in
the BIAHP project when the normalized duct leakage to
the outside is less than 0.03 cfm/ft2 and the normalized
total duct leakage is less than 0.06 cfm/ft2.
testing protocol continued with a series of pressure
differential measurements across the building envelope
and across various zones within the building as
defined by interior doors. A digital micromanometer with
a resolution of 0.1 Pascal was used in all of the pressure
differential measurements. Pressure differences
may be created by either normal operation of the building’s
heating and cooling equipment, ventilation system or
exhaust fan (including clothes dryers). Measurements
were completed to determine a magnitude and direction
of flow across the envelope when the various fans operate. Interior
door closure effect was also measured when the air handler
fan operated. Ideally, the pressure differentials
created across the building envelope and bedroom doors
should be fairly close to neutral.
of Field Investigation
the beginning of the moisture investigations in
the BAIHP project, it was the desire of this team to
try and determine the commonality that may have existed. It appears
that there is a common thread that links moisture related
failures and the HUD code house of today.
are a number of similarities that existed in the
buildings that we inspected for the four manufacturer
team members:
located in Southeast and generally located within
thirty miles of a large body of water, either the Atlantic
Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico.
- All
had a forced air distribution system that
would generally considered to be oversized. Most
had duct leakage that was significant and caused the
building to operate in a negative pressure.
- Most
of the homeowners kept the thermostat setting
between 68 and 75 degrees F in an effort to maintain
- Either
a vinyl wallcovering or a vinyl floor product
was associated with the moisture problem.
- All
of the homes have had at least one major retrofit
to repair the damaged areas. Since a cause of
the problem was not located, the replaced materials
were the same as those that were removed.
- Ventilation
systems were usually not used or disabled.
- Typically,
the master bedroom door was closed for extended
periods of time. Usually, other bedroom
doors were also closed – especially at
night if children were present.
- The
belly board (vapor retarder) contained numerous
holes, penetrations and tears. The typical repair
or seal was with the use of an adhesive backed cloth
tape (duct tape) which had failed.
1 identifies some of the characteristics of the
homes and symptoms observed. In general, the
investigation team was dealing with a homeowner that
has a problem, sometimes severe, and data was gathered
to identify the cause or source of the problem. This
limited time at the house caused the focus to be on
solutions and not necessarily research, though an effort
was exerted to have a common data collection protocol.
BAIHP investigation team was usually called out
to homes that were not able to be solved by the normal
channels that existed through the manufacturers’ service
departments. All of the problems that were
encountered related to moisture flow in a vapor
state. The
causes of failure varied slightly from house to
house, but in general could be catorigized as a
result of any or all of the following:
- manufacturing
design and/or techniques,
- set-up
and installation of non-factory items such as
air conditioning and
- homeowner
operation and maintainence
appears that moisture damage to the building
materials was a result of poor design criteria and
workmanship of a building that is located in a hot
and humid climate. There
were some symptoms that were common in cases:
air conditioner thermostat setting (typically 68-73oF),
well below the ambient dew point.
pressures across the envelope from high supply duct leakage
(cfm @25Pa > 10 per 100 square feet of conditioned
floor area), inadequate return air paths, interior door
closures, exhaust fans or a combination thereof.
moisture removal from disconnected return ducts, continuous
operation of air handler or exhaust fans, inadequate
removal of condensate, oversized air conditioner, poorly
maintained equipment or a combination thereof.
diffusion from the ground into the house because of poor
site drainage, inadequate crawl space ventilation, tears
in the belly board, or a combination thereof.
retarder in the wrong location i.e. vinyl or other impermeable
wall or floor coverings.
solutions provided to the manufacturers to eliminate
moisture problems include:
- Maintain
air conditioner thermostat above the ambient
dew point (at least 75oF)
- Eliminate
long term negative pressures created by air handler
fans or ventilation equipment.
- Tightly
seal all ductwork and provide adequate return
air pathways.
- Enhance
moisture removal from the conditioned space by
correct sizing and maintainence of equipment
- Eliminate
ground source water and provide adequate moisture
barrier for the floor assembly
- If
possible, remove vapor barriers located on the
wrong surfaces.
of our manufacturing team members has been working
for the last five years in incorporting the best practice
designs and techniques into their product. The
result is that last year they reported no moisture vapor
related failures for the first time in several years.
is continuing to determine if these steps will
be sufficient to prevent problems even in the presence
of vapor barriers in the wrong locations for the hot,
humid climates that are preferred by manufacturers and
customers. There
is still much to done in the area of moisture research
as it relates to the interactions of buildings and its
mechanical systems. Negative pressures created
by mechanical systems within buildings is sometimes difficult
at best to correct. Obviously, tight, well constructed
duct systems with adequate return air pathways is a giant
step in the right direction. There are still issues
with ventilation, especially exhaust only ventilation
in the hot and humid climates. Currently the HUD
code does not address the type of ventilation, only that
it must exist. Clothes dryers are another mechanical
exhaust device that exists in a great number of homes. What
is the effect of long term operation in a home where
it may operate three to six hours per day? The
industry, especially the HUD code manufacturing industry
is slow to change – change costs money. They
are looking for ways to lower manufacturing costs and
still provide affordable housing.
Education. HUD
code manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, setup crews,
and various code officials struggle with moisture related
problems, especially those problems caused by moisture
in the vapor form. Good, simple and to the point
training materials and courses are needed to assist in
the design, construction, operation and diagnostics as
it relates to moisture and moisture movement mechanisms.
Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership
will continue working with manufacturers, suppliers and
building officials in an effort to provide research,
training and support.

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