BA-PIRC Partnership with
Fuqua Homes
High Efficiency Gas Furnaces - Initial evaluations of 90% efficient gas furnaces
indicates that there is no incremental installation cost to the
use of these furnaces, as no field modifications are required. In 2003,
Nordyne and Evcon came out with furnaces with an appropriate
footprint for manufactured housing; Intertherm also continues
to offer a 90% efficient model. Discussion with BAIHP
home manufacturer partners Fuqua, Marlette, Champion, and
Fleetwood, and furnace manufacturer partners Evcon and Nordyne,
indicate the that this market is growing quickly, especially
in homes with high pitch “tilt-up” roof systems,
and multi-story homes such as at Nogi Gardens and Kokanee Creek. The
ability to use wall venting instead of roof venting with condensing
furnaces makes them more attractive where tilt-up roofs are employed.
For More Information