Links for Florida Home
Buyers and Builders
1. The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) offers extensive resources related to building energy efficiency and alternative energy: http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/
2. Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership
This US Dept of Energy funded project provides technical assistance to factory and site builders interested in building high performance homes (energy efficient, healthy, durable, comfortable, resource efficient, disaster resistant and marketable).
3. Energy Raters can provide customized assistance specific to your home for a fee.
4. Solar Energy Info Sources
5. Green Building Checklist: www.floridagreenbuilding.org
6. Healthy Home checklist: /pubs/standards/index.htm and http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/consumer/buildings/homes/airqual.htm
7. Utility and Other Financial Incentives
Financial incentives vary with locality and change with the times There are no broad financial incentives for solar systems in FL like they exist in California except a state wide sales tax exemption on solar systems. Specific utilities may provide free or reduced rate services to diagnose your home, repair your ducts or provide a rebate for high efficiency cooling or heat pump systems. Please check with your local utility.